KEYT: Central Coast non-profit organization Maui Rescue Mission raises funds to help the growing population of the unhoused

Sep 7, 2023

The Maui Rescue Mission is raising funds to help the growing homeless population and those still not found in Maui after the recent deadly wildfires.

Brian Nelson and his business partner, John Savage, began their mobile rescue project seven years ago in Maui. Nelson also helped design the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission who helps shelter 200 people per night.

After dozens of visits, speaking to locals and in-depth research, they found Maui County is one of the highest in homelessness in the United States. They found out what people needed and launched their mission.

After the recent wildfires, many of the people who were served are now missing.

The Maui Rescue Mission is now raising funds to further expand their efforts of helping the growing homeless population in Maui. READ + WATCH FULL STORY HERE.