How We Serve

Christ-centered compassion, in collaboration, in response to community needs.

Compassion first mobile outreach

Our service model is centered around our mobile personal care trailer that provides shower and laundry services to those living houseless on Maui. We bring our trailer on a regular schedule to multiple locations around the island, offering prayer, clothing donations, hygiene supplies, charging station and wifi.

Collaborative resource hub spot

Our mobile outreaches also serve as an opportunity to invite and partner with other agencies who offer services to our guests, such as EBT enrollment, mobile medical and vision providers, and other social services, thereby helping to eliminate obstacles to access, such as lack of transportation.

Building bridges in the community

While our guests wait for their turn at the shower or for their laundry to finish drying, we take the opportunity to get to know them and their stories, and with consistency we are able to build trust and friendship. Every person’s story is different.

The first step on this path is showing those we serve that we are willing to walk alongside them.

The next marker along the path to new life is finding hope.The journey is often long and winding, and it’s impossible for our outreach guests to continue forward if they don’t have any hope that the path will lead them where they want to go, or that change is possible.

Our final marker along the path consists of the resources needed to help our homeless friends find physical, emotional and spiritual health and access freedom, independence and a deeper relationship with God.

It’s our vision that those struggling with homelessness on Maui would be more equipped with tangible help and a community of hope as they move towards greater health, independence and confidence.

We also invite the community to volunteer and serve alongside us, to meet and get to know our guests’ stories. By providing opportunities to meet, pray with and talk story with our guests on an individual level, we can more accurately portray the diversity of the houseless community to the community at-large. This promotes empathy and compassionate action.

Our collaborative and community centered approach breaks down barriers between our housed and unhoused neighbors. When misconceptions and harmful stereotypes are challenged, public perceptions can be changed, and sustainable change becomes possible.